Nov 14, 2022Liked by Isaac Simpson

You are opening up my mind to things I really don't want to think about, but I know in my heart that that's a good thing! I cannot get the thought of my head though that there are entities involved in all of this, beyond our understanding, spiritual forces influencing the thoughts and actions of people, some willing some not. We just need to make sure we're on the right side because it doesn't end well for the wrong side. Anyways, thank you for sharing your wisdom and please, keep it up!

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Yes but God has already won! The demons are just trying to drag as many souls to hell with them as they possible can!

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the civil war was city whites (globalists) vs country whites (nationalists). plus ca change. or whatever that french guy said.

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Well- at the time a visiting Frenchman asked what was happening, he was told it was New England taking over the rest of the country.

Very true.

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I had to google “black latex body armor “.

Thanks, it went pretty much where you’d think it would.

And then some.

I have worn lots if body armor, the actual stuff for bullets n stuff, I just wanted to make sure things weren’t ah going that way, at least with soldiers and cops.


Listen, off duty is your time, be all you can be.

On duty , don’t want to see that 🤣

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"There's something happening here... what it is ain't exactly clear... there's a man with a gun over there... tellin' me I've got to beware..." After forty years of an overtly racist Republican Party... and after seven years of the lingering disease we call Donald Trump... I think that in the wake of the midterm elections, no matter what the results, this country will experience a long bout of convulsions. After the January 6 right-wing attack on the Capitol, I wondered if God was a redneck. Now I'm wondering if God is a fascist.

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Don't you suppose it's a little insincere to call the Jan 6 election integrity protest an "attack"? I get it, that's the vicious narrative being pumped by regime media. But it's just so transparently false, I have a hard time imagining that anyone but the most extreme Progressive zealot could actually, for realz, believe it.

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deletedNov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022
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no, I'm just a redneck who's tired of denying he's a fascist, or a racist, or a nazi, or anti blah lbah transfatphobic blah blah....

And given the opening the 'Is God A Fascist?' I take it.

Done denying. Will agree !

Accuse me or us of anything !

Anything at all !!

YES. Yes we are, NOW.

It's like the Taliban. OK, You talked us into it !

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Globalism has nothing but money for neoliberal looters.

What does Nationalism have?

"Nationalism is the belief in the vitality of the nation, a great community of fate, which man becomes a part of by birth. Nationalism is the will to live for this nation as if for a superior being whose existence is more important than that of the individual. The greatness of a nation is determined by the fervor of this belief and by the determination of this will. Whether this belief and this will refer to values that can be logically encompassed is immaterial; in any case, they can reach an extraordinary strength. The last war has also shown that the question of national existence is capable of unleashing the highest spiritual and material forces available to life. Millions of deaths on all sides testify to the fact that the people consider their particular, that which divides them, far more important than anything that may unite them." - Ernst Junger, "Nationalism" - 1926

Globalism has nothing but money for neoliberal looters.

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You have correctly defined the conflict of our age.

I don’t know if a timeframe of decades or centuries can be put on the conflict as it’s too soon to tell. We can note the Globalist tendency to overreach , their hyperextended finances, their aging present leaders, above all seeking solace in war when their soldiers are leaving in droves and not being replaced * , in a military that squandered its money (well, was forced to) by fantastical democracies in Afghanistan and Iraq (the idea is silly). We must also note that unlike the British these elites live in a fantasy world, surrounded by vast Carmillas of rapacious thieves.

It is Dickens version of Versailles and the French Aristocracy come to life (Dickens version was very false, he was probably lecturing the bourgeoisie in London of his own times).

Hell, its Mel Brooks History of the World come to life.

“Sire, the peasants are revolting”

“You said it, they stink on Ice.”

By the way if you broke down that Red map by region or province it looks very different in America and Brazil.

That it comes to war is certain.

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Adding; Nationalism has very deep roots. Very strong support.

All of human history it was nations or Empires, and the Empires always had a ruling nation in charge. Nations are extended tribes of people, that may or may not include others- usually they do.

*No , America is not an idea or proposition, it is a people who are open , trusting, diverse from creation in the 17th century, but a real people nonetheless.

Globalism not so much, at best a century, really Marxism and socialism, an idea taking form a century ago.

The Globalists are only beginning to run into Nationalism at home and abroad, here they may face guns, abroad nuclear weapons and real armies. Frankly this spurt of frenzied expansion and adventure abroad is in response to domestic opponents.

Globalism is manically overreaching.

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Small quibble - CHAZ/CHOP was in Seattle, Washington not Oregon. Although Portland, Oregon did suffer from similar occupation style violent riots for several months. Spot on writing, puts words to the thoughts rolling around in a lot of our heads out here trying to make sense of our time and place in history.

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Excellent essay. Viewing the modern day frictions through the historical view of the long, slow simmer of political conflict before it boils over into war really highlights where we are in the process. The Bacon's Rebellion example is particularly poignant for me; I knew about the rebellion, and probably at some point could have rattled off the date, but hadn't quite put together how far it was from the actual Revolution. It is good to remember that many small pebbles will fall long before the avalanche has crushed the valley and rumbled to a halt, but those pebbles are still the first step.

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Great article and photos. You are probably correct that the "war" is just beginning. Probably one side will be able to deal with chaos better than the other. Or, on the other hand, having fixed, eternal points of reference might prevail. I'd bet on the latter. Chaos is expensive and sooner or later the bill will come due. For instance, Washington, DC, spends $25K per year for every man, woman and child, and its breaking down (Metro/transport/crime problems). San Diego is around $5-6K per capita with it's budget and things probably still function there.

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That's my worry too. If it can't be a short, sharp conflict in the next 1-5 years, I would rather it all happen maybe 75 years down the road. Then again, that puts it in grandkid/great grandkid territory, so it if it doesn't get resolved soon some of our kids are going to deal with it one way or the other.

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deletedNov 14, 2022Liked by Isaac Simpson
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thank you for this great compliment.

And hi, I'm Isaac and yes re boost I do rely on readers like yourself re-sharing these articles!

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