Nov 1, 2022Liked by Isaac Simpson

Thank you for reporting on this, with the diagrams of the web of big money funding candidates, stating the case of how working class and middle class families are punished and being forced to live what elitist decision makers want to impose. This is not democracy, or a republic, this is a feudal system.

The one area to focus on to break this chain of patronage is SEIU organizing government workers. Of course, it is fine for workers to organize be it in the construction trades or farmworkers, or other industries, if the organizing is open and the elections are fair and without intimidation, but the only government workers who should be allowed to organize are the police, for they put themselves at risk every day, and in the middle of society's problems, have no defense other than their union. Yet, any other public employee, due to civil service standards, is not an "exploited worker" who needs to have their rights defended, this is already in the civil code. Thus, public employee unions then, through forced union fees, advocate for just the very gravy train describe here of government spending, and political campaigns, that in the end corrupt, and even worse, bring about dyfunction in city and state government for fundamental issues of energy, water, fire mitigation, health departments, education, and public safety, which now have all been politicized instead of serving the common good.

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Just vote harder and Law Harder.

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