Unsurprising that a bunch of women would completely skip over any worthwhile point in the discussion. It's a Prisoner's Dilemma; society as a whole is clearly worse off, yet individually these women are enjoying certain creature comforts they don't want to give up. So it's impossible for them to have an honest discussion about any of this.

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Women's lib was not an organic matter, but created by the central bank owners in order to double the workforce and weaken the nuclear family. Aaron Russo, the producer of Trading Places, was dying of cancer and he did an interview where he said he was friends with a high level Rockefeller who admitted to this plan. Here's the 3 minute clip from part of a much longer interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdtdidL2MQo

You would also likely appreciate Schopenhauer's short essay "On Women", the abridged version of which is here: https://heretical.com/miscella/onwomen.html

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My mother, who is a child of American 1960's women's liberation, came back to the U.S. from South Sudan after a mission trip with her sister a few years ago. She told me about how women did all the work there. They carried buckets of water on their heads for kilometers. They did all the child-rearing. They raised plots in the gardens behind their houses to feed themselves and their children. What is worse, they did not even live with their husbands. The men would wander in from time to time have sex with the women and then leave them to their own devices. To make matters even worse, one man would have multiple women, and a few men basically just roamed around having sex with all the women while the other men sat around doing nothing.

When she had finished this horrid tale of woe. I said to her, "That sounds like a utopia of women's liberation? What is the problem?" She said, "oh no... it's awful and terrible and hopelessly misogynist." I then asked her to explain to me exactly how these Sudanese women differed from radical feminists? Is not the dream of radical feminism to do away with marriage, have men wander through from time to time for sex, while women provide for themselves? She stood sat there silently for a little while, and then said that was ridiculous. I asked how it was ridiculous? She said, "it just is," which is shorthand for "I have no sound reasoning to dispute what you are saying but I don't like it."

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Wow! Amazingly well articulated! Apparently, I’m what people are (now) calling a “trad wife,” -- that is we raised 7 kids, I stayed home, still do, have dinner at the table every week night, etc. With two kids (very nearly grown), still at home, I look back on it all joyfully. Sure, it involved LOTS of sacrifice from everyone, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

My heart does, however, worry for the twenty-somethings without the grounding our kids have had. Heck, I also worry about our kids, ESPECIALLY the four boys.

Solutions? I like the ones you listed toward the end. That would be a GREAT start.

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Excellent post

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Isaac Simpson

You’re promoting debtor’s prison? That’s ghastly.

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I agree with almost all of this analysis. I wish we had taken a differing path.

Imagine a sexual culture in which the message was as follows. As a young adult, sexual experimentation among multiple partners is an accepted part of growing to maturity. However, during that period an unexpected pregnancy is frowned upon and brings shame to both parties. Multiple forms of birth control are available, unlike the ‘50’s and before the pill.

However, to be considered an adult in a society you need to get to the point in life where you have a partner/spouse and are in a position to raise and support a family. That partnership may be either a homo or heterosexual relationship. The sign that you are an adult is entering and maintaining the relationship. That is your obligation for the rights society has given you.

Of course some relationships will fail. It is the intent and the effort that society seeks, fully confident that to the mature adult success will events appear.

Too many of us seek a legal solution to every problem. Sometimes culture is the better tool. We threw that tool away when we said that everyone has rights and no one has obligations. Big mistake.

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“ If you raped someone’s mother or wife or sister or daughter, you didn’t call the police. You hung the man from a tree. This was how the taboo was maintained in a culture where both premarital sex and rape were immoral.”

This is not true.

What happened is that the women would be called a whore, blamed and even killed for it. This is still happening in some societies btw.

We’re not far from “what was she wearing” even in the western world. This is still asked, or an equivalent, see how victims of rape are interrogated in court.

So your theory falls at the assumptions.

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I’ve got a kickass tradwife life going on. I’m also smart enough to notice that the “men” who run around asserting that all women are whores hellbent on the destruction of society and should be treated like such, aren’t exactly advertising themselves as prime husband/father/restore western civilization material. Whatever makes them feel good about themselves, I guess. But I won’t be telling my son that these sorts of folks are role models. 🙄

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Easy math for people

feminism = Marxist socialists = Satan

Feminism was created by the Satanic Marxist socialist NWO types to break down the Nuclear family, Invert and destroy God's natural order, as he promised God he would do.

Now look at it!

They've even appropriated the Christian Rainbow as their Flag , inverted it's true meaning to be associated with the original sin of PRIDE, pride which got Lucifer banished from Heaven.

Can people not see this ?

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19th Amendment was when we sealed America's fate.

It's been all downhill since then .

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If women are incapable of accountability then what’s the point of blaming women?

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Among millennials - the richest generation to date - women earn significantly more than men. No small number of women in this generation date down in terms of income. My millennial neighbor was engaged to a drummer for six years, and he hadn't worked for the last three. She has a full time corporate career & still cooked & kept house while he couch potatoed. What finally made her give him the boot wasn't his lack of income, but his complete unwillingness to participate in the everyday work of running a household. You can only vacuum around someone you're subsidizing so many times before you've had it. So it's true that women having to shoulder both working & parenting isn't going to go smoothly - but a large contributor to this fact is the abject inability or unwillingness of most men to parent and keep house.

And imagine believing literal memes from the internet and using that to imply women actually require six-six-six in their partners. Having only one of those three was enough to match me up with a sexy genius heiress so I really don't think the situation is what you're saying it is. (If you're curious, I was poor and I'm still short.) Some women post things like that to irritate men and bait angry male responses. They then publicize the angriest and stupidest male responses as a way to garner sympathy & support. Angry men amplify these posts by passing them around in male circles as ragefuel. So the reason you see such posts is because they successfully trigger men, not because women particularly agree with them.

Similarly, the only reason Grimes is there is because Elon Musk thought she was hot for a little while. Otherwise no one would be inviting a stale EDM act to a debate on feminism. Instead of putting in econd-string epeople with mostly male fanbases, they could look for participants on college debate teams & among elected officials & business leaders,

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“Now, the argument against my position is going to go something like my body, my choice. But a maximalist libertarian position for female sexual rights is fundamentally anti-social in the same way that a maximalist libertarian position for Second Amendment rights is laughably incoherent. No, everyone does not have the right to a nuclear weapon. No, every woman does not have the right to spread physical and psychological disease, to produce endless unwanted children. The consequences of both are broad social and civilizational suicide. Only fools and children believe these retarded things.”

Lol civilisation can only survive if women don’t have a right to their body… I can smell the sexual frustration of this man from across continents…

Yo, man, “civilisation” doesn’t have a right to survive if it relies on women being enslaved

And your assumptions are ridiculous: “endless unwanted children”, having a right to your body = “ spread physical and psychological disease”

If you want to maintain a patina of logic then consider restraining your hyperboles somewhat otherwise you expose yourself (too clearly) as the misogynist you are. Maybe emptying your nuts will make you less emotional and you’ll think clearly.

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Does the anonymous poster live by the CRUCIBLE-esque principles he espouses here? I will quote the Minnesota rube who pushed back against car dealer William H. Macy in FARGO: "You're a liar, Mr. Lundegaard, a--a--FUCKIN' liar!!!"

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This essay was absolutely excellent, masterfully articulating so many important considerations that have been blithely ignored by the feminist cult leaders (and their pathocrat bankrollers) for decades, even as the evidence continues to pile up showing how devastating the effects of feminism have been. Luxury beliefs that have been ruinously expensive for non-elites who've been forced or manipulated into adopting them. I'm glad to see the Overton Window finally shifting towards having a more open and honest conversation about these issues. This is long overdue, but better late than never!

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