This is a guest post from pseudonymous writer Hengist A. Horsa. His last piece was BLAME WOMEN.
The Anglo is lost, doomed in fact. It’s really all we ever think about. It’s the subtext of every government communication, every TV show, every tweet. The BBC is writing fake history about ancient Englishmen being black. Justin Trudeau has brought Canada to its knees via an inflationary death spiral. Australia is decolonizing itself and giving Aboriginals veto power over its government. Anglos down bad. Or at least so the demoralization campaign goes.
And yet…English remains unchallenged as the global lingua franca. Despite the best efforts of our lunatic leadership, the United States remains the undisputed world hegemon. It’s the Anglo world that invented AI. Hell, thirty years ago it was an Anglo, Tim Berners Lee, who invented the Internet. It’s an Anglo, Elon Musk, who is re-inventing the automotive industry and pioneering a new commercial space age. It’s Anglos who invented and are now promoting the world-eating mind virus called wokeness, too. Even as race traitors, we can’t be beat.
How do we square these two perspectives though? Is the Anglo on top? Or is he down and out? What the Anglo faces more than anything is a comms problem. He’s a bit too good at branding, and has been hypnotized by his own compelling lies. There are problems. Oh god are there problems. But they’re of relatively recent vintage. The roots are shallow, not old. Now the Anglo doesn’t have endless time to fuck around. But the tales of his demise are greatly exaggerated.
It’s a fish in water problem. The Anglo feels he is not special, that he has no culture. But that’s because he has been dictating global culture for so long, he’s forgotten it was he who inspired it. When people go to work around the world, they still dress like Englishman. When people dress casually, they look like Americans. Even the global underclass, which doesn’t work and therefore sees no distinction between the two, has an Anglo uniform: the shitty athletic clothing known as “streetwear.”
The Anglo introduced the “human rights” paradigm, which for better or worse, we live under. He insisted on “spreading democracy.” He demanded free trade. There’s no globalization without the Anglo. His two world capitals, London and New York, still dominate world finance, Brexit be damned.
From King Arthur to Donald Trump, the Anglo looms large. So why so glum, Anglo?
I think the problem started with his politeness. The Anglo clearly thinks his values are not only correct for him, but for everyone. But with the business of empire and globalization, he’s been a bit disappointed by how poorly the non-Anglos are at executing his ideas. Not everyone has failed to be sure. But most have. In his politeness, he’s embarrassed to even discuss this. He’s embarrassed for the others, the non-Anglos. It seems a bit rude to point out this deficiency to them.
Maybe the Anglo has become glum, because he is at heart a pirate. The Anglo knows deep down he is a barbarian, a civilized barbarian thanks to the Romans, but a barbarian nonetheless. He pitched out from his snug little island and conquered the world, taking to the seas like the Mongols took to the steppe.
The Anglo has another mode: that of the villager. Think of Tolkien’s hobbits here. In the summer, you can see them. English people going for walks as a vacation. They’re not necessarily in the best of shape. Many of them are old. But they’re as happy as a golden retriever in a suburban pool. Absolutely reveling in the glory of their ancient terraformed shire for the few months when the skies open up and the sun shines down.
But the villager persona needs its dark alter. The Anglo is bimodal, in fact. Town and country. Crown and parliament. Norman and Saxon. The pleasantness of the shire is cultivated by its contrast with the wide world of adventure that lies beyond.
With the closing of the frontiers, the mapping of the planet. What else was there to do? The promise of cyberspace as a new frontier no longer inspires us. We worry Sauron already has the Ring.
Elon Musk has single handedly reinvigorated Anglo awe at manufacturing. He has convinced us that we can still create. The shire may have been terraformed long ago—but Mars lies in wait. If you only read media items about Elon Musk, you might be under the impression that he is a controversial person, widely reviled. If his recent foray into activism with his acquisition of Twitter makes him a political figure. He’s by far the most popular one in the United States. His persistent mischaracterization in the media may have something to do with his noted dislike for the lot.
Recently, after the revelation of the name of his third child with Grimes, Techno Mechanicus, I saw a tweet imagining a distant future in which people use the non-traditional name as evidence that “Elon Musk” is a mythic composite figure, similar to contemporary treatment of King Arthur. We are watching a myth be constructed in real time. Maybe it’s the Anglo’s noted penchant for eccentricity that gives us this myth-making prowess, this ability to enchant everyday life.
Elon has his problems. I’m not going to mention them because it’s crass to dig around in a public figure’s personal life . But that’s probably why people like Elon so much. He’s not Christ. He’s not our Messiah. He’s a fallible man with problems just like everyone else. Yet, that doesn’t impede him from doing great things. There’s a lesson in that for all Anglos. We can transcend.
Personally, I’m rooting for Elon to succeed and bring humanity to Mars. I think we have no idea what it may take to colonize Mars. But then nobody knew the course history would take when Columbus set sail either. You learn by doing and you never quite know what you will find out.
The criticism of Elon has a particular tone, that of the nagging school marm. It reminds me of a scene from Interstellar, a film by Christopher Nolan, another noted Anglo. She insists no one ever went to the moon and by the way don’t we have a planet to save here? Hmmmmm?
This is nothing new. The naysayers. The demoralizers. During the depths of COVID, I watched the PBS documentary Chasing the Moon. The footage was amazing. High definition. Archival. Like I said earlier, the Anglo is amazing at marketing (Wolff Olins created the modern branding agency for the Beatles in 1965) and during the Space Race he knew that capturing this historic effort was essential. I cried when I thought about the magnitude of it. We went to the fucking moon. How mind-bending is that. There was of course a perfunctory cut-out of black people protesting the effort and their little protest diddy, “Whitey on the Moon.”
Here are a few lines: A rat done bit my sister Nell / (with Whitey on the moon) / Her face and arms began to swell. / (and Whitey's on the moon) / I can't pay no doctor bill. / (but Whitey's on the moon) / Ten years from now I'll be payin' still. / (while Whitey's on the moon) / The man jus' upped my rent las' night. / (‘cause Whitey's on the moon) / No hot water, no toilets, no lights. / (but Whitey's on the moon)
There’s a deep irony here. It was the Space Race that created the need for miniaturization. The small electronic components on which our iPhone’s astonishing prowess rests, that all starts here. There are no iPhones without whitey on the moon. And thus there’s no Black Lives Matter without whitey on the moon either.
Some people are small-minded and can’t see the potential of outer space. The Anglo must relearn: best to ignore the haters.
So is the Anglo doomed? Will he be displaced from his lands? Will his history be perverted and destroyed? I’m biased, but somehow I don’t buy it. The Anglo’s leaders to be sure are insane. They’ve driven themselves mad with their Radical Protestant desire to bring about Utopia on Earth.
In the end, it’s their madness that gives me hope. They see we are reaching the end of the line with the woke mind-virus. Its contradictions began auto-cannibalizing it as soon as it had any institutional purchase. Nonsense ideas always burn themselves out. For the Anglo to survive all he need do is raise his head up and look around at all he has accomplished, look reality squaring in the eye, and realize he will never reach Utopia. But he may yet reach Mars.
This spoke to my pirate's heart. Absolutely fantastic piece.
As a Traditional Catholic mexican I think anglos are in the decline, but they did created many useful things. I can see both the drug trafficking of Queen Victoria as monstrous and still acknowledge that lightbulbs and electricity are quite useful. Overall anglos stunted their potential when becoming heretics, but hey, no nation is perfect.