The Carousel
The Carousel Podcast
97. Adem Luz Rienspects

97. Adem Luz Rienspects

Mixtape Hyperborea

On this week’s Carousel we have young stud and fellow mischling Adem Luz Rienspects. We hung out at the ball this weekend in Vegas. Total killer. Love this kid. Still haven’t read his book Mixtape Hyperborea which is slightly embarrassing, but it’s very highly regarded and reviewed.

Mixtape Hyperborea
Mixtape Hyperborea Adem Luz Rienspects Self-published 2023…
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Note, the event we talk about on the podcast isn’t the Astral Ball, but a

reading at Hadrian’s in LA featuring , Illegal Thot, and others that was really quite good. Just so as not to confuse you.

The Carousel is a reader-supported publication.

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The Carousel
The Carousel Podcast
Writer Isaac Simpson explores the world through modern propaganda.