The Carousel
The Carousel Podcast
43. Raw Egg Nationalist

43. Raw Egg Nationalist

The Satirical Genius of Man's World Ads

In our biggest episode to date, the infamous Raw Egg Nationalist drops by to discuss the hilarious ads in Man’s World Number 10.

REN leads the battle against food globohomogenization, offering a reliable stream of redpills about the patented bugs and tumors that provide globalists with higher margins on their food supply investments. His magazine Man’s World has been heralded as a new, based Vice filling the gaping hole where real journalism for men used to be. He published my piece on Ketamine in an earlier issue.

He’s less heralded for his work on the ads in the magazine, some of which are satirical and hilarious, while others are real advertisements for based brands. I’m compiling a compendium of this great ad work because I love it so much. Seize the means of propaganda!

Raw Egg on Twitter

Man’s World Archive

Link to REN’s books for purchase

The Carousel
The Carousel Podcast
Writer Isaac Simpson explores the world through modern propaganda.